59歳 膵臓癌stage4手術手遅れ不可2018/6告知。抗癌剤に重粒子線治療併用し7cmから2cm弱に小さく!Pancreatic Carcinoma

抗癌剤 mFOLFIRINOX半年で膵臓癌腫瘍1/3。2019/2重粒子治療。2020/3アブジェム。2020/10重粒子線治療2回目。2021オニバイド+5FU、TS1。

Shanto Profile プロフィール

In June 2018, Stage4 of pancreatic cancer, which is said to be the "most bad cancer", was discovered.

The tumor was large, 7 cm over, with peritoneal dissemination and infiltration of blood vessels around the pancreas.
I was diagnosed as unable to undergo resection surgery, which was considered the only cure for pancreatic cancer. I was sentenced to six months without treatment for anticancer drugs.

My chemotherapy (so-called anticancer drug treatment) is given every 2 weeks for 3 days. I did my 35th anticancer this week.
I take a break from the company on the first day of infusion for three days. For the remaining two days, I am going to work with a drip bottle hanging on my neck.
At the end of the drip, which takes three days, I remove the needle myself from the CV port mounted on my chest, but I am completely used to it and enjoy the exhilaration of removing the needle!

In addition to treatment with anticancer drugs, heavy ion radiotherapy was performed in February 2019. As a result, the original cancer tumor of just over 7 cm has now shrunk to just under 2 cm, and the metastasis seems to have subsided.

I was initially diagnosed with a life expectancy of 6 months, but I am still fine for a year and a half. In addition, resection surgery, which was originally said to be impossible, can now be performed.
Even if resection surgery is not possible at first, it is called "conversion surgery" to perform resection after reducing the size of the tumor with an anticancer drug and suppressing metastasis.
The resection operation is scheduled to be a major operation in which the pancreas, spleen, and duodenum are almost completely removed, and the portal vein and hepatic artery are partially removed.
Because the resection operation is a heavy burden on the body, the QOL after the resection operation obviously decreases, so I am considering whether to perform the operation.

Subjective symptoms from cancer are still low. The bone seems to be fragile due to the side effects of anticancer drugs and heavy ion radiotherapy, and it seems that about 3 spine compression fractures have occurred, but it is painless to walk.

My side effects of anticancer drugs were severe numbness in my limbs, and my physical strength was less than 50% of that before the onset, so I became tired easily. However, I eat delicious food and have fun every day.

For more than a year, I think it's fun to live with the status quo.



腫瘍は大きく7cm overで、腹膜播種転移、膵臓周囲血管に浸潤と言う状態で、膵臓癌の完治治療唯一とされる切除手術が不可で、抗癌剤治療しなければ余命6か月と告知受けました。





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